Thursday, May 15, 2008

Importance of Storytelling

Throughout the book, I have noticed that many of the chapters are done through storytelling. The mothers often use storytelling to tell their daughters about something important that have happened in their life. Why do you think that they choose this method to communicate with their daughter instead of just having a one to one conversation? Is there a deeper meaning to storytelling?


Thanh N. 4 said...

I think the mothers choose story-telling to communicate with their daughters because it is more interesting. If I was to hear a lecture, I would obviously not listen to a word she says because for one thing, it is boring and I'm a teenager, so we tend to do the opposite. If it was told through a story, it would keep keep the child's interest. Stories are always a better way to prove something.

Elaine said...

I agree with Thanh because if my mother gave me a lecture, "it goes in one ear and out the other," a saying most elders use these days. Also I think the mothers use story telling to comunicate with their daughters becuase maybe it's harder for them to tell them about their personal experiences. I mean if their experiences wasn't a pleasant one, they obviously don't really want to look back on it. They just want their children to not have to go through the same as them. Maybe they communicate through story telling to avoid having to feel the pain of their pasts when telling about their own experiences.